February 21, 2023

$7M for Climate Action for 20 years

During the November 2022 election cycle, members of the LGE team conducted three tours of door-to- door to help ensure that Ann Arbor became one of the growing number of communities to pass a local millage to fund climate action.

Through the Community Climate Action Millage, Ann Arborites will invest an estimated $7 million per year for 20 years to fund local clean energy, waste reduction, energy efficiency, sustainable food, and resilience programs and services.

The newly adopted millage will support programs and initiatives such as:

Direct rebates for home, rental, and business energy improvements, including rebates for energy waste reduction, renewable energy installations, appliance electrification, and energy storage systems.

Year-round composting and recycling collection for commercial and multi-family units. Renewable energy deployments at affordable housing sites, community centers across the city, and the city's capped landfill.

Support for resilience centers, local food production and heat and flood preparedness initiatives.
The installation of more streetlights, crosswalks and protected bike lanes across the city.

More electric vehicle charging infrastructure and incentives to support multi-modal transportation.